Inventory Control can track an unlimited number of user-defined items. User- defined thresholds trigger reorder warnings and guide the creation of P.O.s. These automated Reorder and Purchase Order functions help keep the amounts “on hand” at optimum levels. Formula driven Bill Of Materials tracks individual job costs. Actual waste factors are calculated automatically whenever a new physical inventory is taken.
- Usage formulas are automatically created with the built in “Formula Generator”.
- The On Hand, On Order, and Allocated totals give an instant evaluation of each item.
- New jobs automatically check for inventory availability. A reorder warning is shown as soon as any item has reached it’s Reorder Point.
- The YDT and PTD Usage amounts help you decide what your Reorder Point should be and how much to order at a time.
- The total value of the Inventory on hand is available at all times. Amounts below reorder threshold appear in Red.
- Multiple vendors may be assigned to each item.
- prints an audit of all transactions. The scope of these reports may be set to “all items” or limited to certain transaction types, such as individual job usage or receipts. This creates an audit of all transactions for each item.